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What is a supernatural experience you've had? You can just lay one down or as many down as you feel called to. I know me personally, I've had a lot. Or unexplained experiences where I'm like, what just happened? And then all I have is like the internet and Reddit boards and like the back roads of the internet that nobody travels and then the freaks gather and talk about like weird stuff. Yeah. So I kind of want this thread to be that. What are some supernatural experiences, out of body experiences, actual experiences, meditative experiences, energy and entity experiences? I mean, anything goes. This is a safe space. Go ahead and drop them down below.
And supernatural experience outside of psychedelics and there's only one I have which was very recently right so I'm I'm I'm sleeping light right I'm sleeping I'm dreaming but then I wake up it's probably close to like 3 am I wake up I open my eyes and there is this like an invisible entity looking at me
So so this this is happening when I was I'm saying I wake woke up but I'm not sure I am in I think I was like in half asleep half of weeks of Waco state I am So I open my eyes so there is invisible entity and I might I am I am sure I am I did freak out for like a moment and then I just calm down so you know what this entity might be some you know positive integer you know the good and she put it and it says it's just started
So then and she started shaking his head like crazy like spinning outside and doing all the crazy stuff and then it's just all the all the positive positive thoughts feelings I had about the sense he just disappeared I didn't I didn't get up straight away and I just wanna just wait it out wait it out and then I think I just didn't want to extend my arms because I thought I'd still under my bed so
Yeah so this entity he just definitely pulled a prank on me or he/she whatever its gender right I am because when I at first I had a negative I had I was negative about sentencing I thought evil prick but then I how do you know what doesn't have to be and then I just relaxed and you know And that's when it went all crazy that's that's that's when he went crazy
I started lifting up out of my bed in the middle of night one time My uniform with the sea I was trying to like ask what you're floating in the air woke up in the middle of night Because you're not sure the God had my cat. He was freaking the fuck out. Like the fuck is like he was able to do that And I like it was kind of like the exorcism like my body was up
Motherfucker hi so let me get home and get this started OK hi so basically I think some paranormal shit in my house I have a video of it on my phone so my lock system was going off last night and not last night last night yesterday morning or afternoon somewhere in that town. I don't remember what it was going off it was like going off and lock me out of the fucking house so honestly that's what I got
That's not even the funny part about it the funny part about it is when I am took out the fucking batteries it's still going off and then finally finally just stopped going off after a fuck and just like saying fuck it and beat the shit out of the damn walk
Oh my gosh, I've had so many supernatural experiences like I kid you not like I literally like Sometimes literally here like something not gonna my closet already like two or three in the morning. I just hear Me and my cat look up like, what the heck was that? No cap.
Yes, I do. It is weird. It is weird weird weird. I don't know what the fuck. Yeah, my cat's always like He's always like he's always looking in that closet too. Like he's all it's just Like when I open the door, he always just looks right in there like he sees something. I'm like, what about what the fuck? I was in that closet.
It's weird. It's so weird. Like I know one of the spirits is probably my dad's cuz like and you know what's even weird even more weird is like the like the day after my dad died right the day after my dad died like the day after my mom's phone rang and it was my dad's phone number calling her. That was creepy.
So here's a supernatural experience I've had, which is freaking creepy as heck guys. Like I kid you not, like my best friend can vouch for that. Like one time we were hanging out and we were drinking or whatever. And my best friend stepped over my house. So we both went to sleep, right? We both went to sleep and I woke up with this scratch on my boob. And it was like just a huge scratch, like a claw march is going across my boob. And I like I was just like dude