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Nah bro, but if you saw me in your closet and I was looking like this, when you open your goddamn door to your closet, what would you do? I'm took years.
Fucking my doing watch watch. I promise you if I get a piece of chicken I'll throw that shit out the motherfucking window I bet your big fat ass gonna go over there and chase that bitch Uh-huh it a bitch. Yeah, I hope yo ass fall off that motherfucking tree Tryna get your motherfucking piece of chicken yo big fat ass Yuhumumumumumumumumumumumass Wait, bitch.
What would I do hold on on first off you get you getting a good 40s Dusse monos in your chin arm then I'm gonna have to pull out the nine and get the Baja blast and not because of what Then I will stop on you like them NPC's be doing in GTA and then I will take whatever you got on you cause no
Boy you like some reporter is uncle to fuck you look like them for detention for the cookout with no drinks no tears or ocean this is your girlfriend love you I miss you did nova nephew to ugly ass get the fuck away
I would get my crucifix thrown at you and start singing freaking night worship songs like Circe a amazing Grace and all that stuff my bro I would think you were a monster I would they were here to be my soul specially if it's in the night like bro do I need to put like some salt Delete trap you in or something second
What it's a little human thing to do humans suck peoples dick I don't even know what you're on do you come from another planet that people don't suck dicks that's shocking
Yo what's good baby girl what you trying to do tonight? Well I can set you my feet pegs on I'm playing I'm playing I'm playing Why won't I set you my feet pegs bruh? Hey bruh you look kinda creepy though bruh Hello, guys, I'm Creepy.
First stop I'm gonna go get my fucking G 18 and I will shoot myself in the head I'm not even trying to kill you because you look like some Michael Myers motherfucker that'll come back from the dead in fucking five seconds bro is no bro