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Funnel cakes and hotdogs and really everything because I really like ice cream and pizza and all that other stuff but I love funnel cakes they're fucking delicious they are so good
Funnel cakes used to be my go-to and like a fair or wherever you get a funnel cake set Bro, but I had more than bad experience with funnel cakes and I never ate it for okay I'm just gonna after that. I mean after that. I never a dude after that So I'm just gonna tell you the short version the grease they freaking fried it in wasn't clean at all so I just got up
It was so nasty bro. It wasn't even burnt bro. It wasn't even burnt. It was solved It was mushy. It was black. It's a like fucking charcoal, bro I thought I thought it was orange actually but like it wasn't it was a charcoal and a lot of burnt stuff it was nasty
Yeah but I'm in brass like some bad pussy buff over it was like it was like oh no it was bad like Bro my God I like Hershey's thing but I still hear the bullshit
I'd probably say like a Glizzy corndog or something like that because then I get to see the corn and it's technically themed on my Drew cloud love that