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I would want a capybara. They are in my opinion very cute animals and I just love the name capybara. I kind of want one when I'm older but then again I also want a skunk and I want to name it Pepe Lapu if you know you know. But yeah one of those two animals I would love to have and hopefully I will have at least the skunk one day.
No no you didn't I just say skunk oh my goodness Brose well I hope you please just just just trying to score not to like in a spray can Are there she Goes think of the house Yeah do you do you I guess
You can get them de-skunked so they can't spray anybody or anything. I obviously would do that before I keep it in the house permanently. I don't- I would want a baby one so that way I could raise his a pet because you can like literally put them on leashes and stuff. But yeah, eventually I would get them descunked like you would, you know, get a dog neutered.
Oh my bad I didn't I didn't even know that I didn't even know that they can get the skunked I'm a have to search this whole thing up because my my bad my bad I
Honestly, I didn't even know it was a thing until recently. Apparently you can like remove a certain gland or something that produces a smell. You just have to be careful because if it gets out it can't defend itself. And I don't know if it's like dangerous anyway. I'd have to do more research before I actually got one, but yeah It's super cool.
Only because I am confident in my abilities of reading them and Respecting them and loving them. Oh my gosh So if I were to ever have an opportunity to rescue a little kitty that turns into a big big kitty I would I would absolutely love that love it so much I would have to have a big property for them though because just to like keep keep them cooped up in the house is terrible.
A cat definitely, they're like the perfect animal in my opinion but where I live there's not enough space and just pretty um some of my family members are allergic so yeah but the other day I went to Petsmore and there was this cat and it was like just meowing at me and like I literally fell in love but I can't take it.
OK I want to puppy so bad I am but my parents won't allow us to have one cause OK where oh where in Nigerian family I iamb my dad said somebody in our village him got killed because of a dog and I was late and he said it was tradition and I was like that is so stupid because why
No hold on on on let me finish because somebody got killed because of it that'll make sense we can't have a dog because somebody got killed because it won't We can train dogs and my dad doesn't understand it oh my gosh bro we can have a puppy we can't have we can have animals in hours I don't have any pets bro I'm depressed bro God deal bro come on
And they said the only way we can have a pair is what if we could go to the village and just like what is the converse so I don't know how to do how we supposed to explain African theories are so difficult they're so difficult they will not say yes to any nice thing what bro This don't make no fucking sense