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Cookiemonster 645d
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T⃤S⃤K⃤ Darren
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Kids always be so dramatic like they're just like tripping fall escape their knee and they start crying like it's not that bad It hurts for like a second get up walk it off. You'll be fine. It's not like you've got your leg chopped off or something like Or they they'd be told no in like a mall like no you can't get that Lego set and they'll just throw a fucking hissy fin Fuck and come bust in a fit of rage and start fucking punching things And when they hurt their hand from punching a metal wall, they'll start crying like my ***** You do that to yourself you dumbass like goddamn and then like they be crying over the simplest things Like they someone could call them a poopy head and they'll start having fucking PTSD and wanting to kill themselves at the age Of fucking six and a half like it is not that serious You got called a poopy head for taking too long on the goddamn water fountain one two three I like PEN you as said one two three four. I'm hogging the door like my ***** is not that fucking serious calm down you'll be I and like and And then like they don't even remember it like Like past like the age of 10 They don't even care like It really not that serious, bro
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They just lose a dinosaur and they just fall on the floor and start crying. Somebody take their candy, they're crying. Somebody watch their TV, they crying like, shut the fuck up! Nobody cares! Cry all you want. I would throw you out the fucking window and make you cry about something for real.
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Alright, so like I was with you, but that last part crazy like you lost me on that last part That's a little too much you got chill out, right? And like they crying sound like they just fucking like stole thousand dollars from your bank account
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