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Hello everyone it's really late where I'm at and I don't know I'm feeling really tired but there's nobody here to help me go to sleep we need to spend the night with sky love but it just you know It is what it is like sometimes you have control over you know where you sleep and sometimes you don't sometimes people just you know they hate sleepier and you're like oh I can't because I have to finish my assignment and then they get mad at you and they're like oh my god why didn't you sleep over or you could've done your homework here and I'm like no I got enough because it just wouldn't of made sense you know logistics and stuff people you know they don't Don't get that sometimes you know and then it gets too late and then you know there's like a coronation and like like a white wedding and it's just like a lot to absorb right now but her like it's it's gonna be OK I think for everyone And I love the fact that there's a lot of people on here who let me know every day that like as long as I have faith in Jesus and other entities like to send be graded like I just all about it and then I'll be OK and I will I guess just love Jesus and just like now it's gonna be OK
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