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Crystal Beth 637d
Crystal Beth
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Sylvia 643d
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Call ME E 643d
Call ME E
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Bruh, I just had a motherfucker tell me I hope your man is Taking care of you and Bringing home that money. What? That's what's wrong with you females now at the end of the day. I have my own income He has his own income Why in the fucking world do I worry about him bringing home the income? He ain't living in my household So at the end of the day, that's what's wrong with the world. A lot of y'all looking for somebody to chop a fucking feed off of. And I'm not looking for that. I am not interested in being in a household with someone who can't provide the household needs with me. If he moves in with me or we decide to move in together, then that's a one income. That means we got a six figure income. But for you to sit here and say I hope you bring it home to money, what do I fucking look like? A stripper? Oh, you think I'm a jazzy male? Is that what you thinking? Stop with that shit. Like, y'all don't want to sit here and be kept so bad, but ain't even fucking Google what kept this. women are mistresses. I'm not being nobody's mistress. I'm not sitting up here being nobody's sad piece, nobody's second to second to none option. I don't want to be none of that. So stop sitting around here trying to be kept. I'm not trying to be kept. I'm trying to be stress-free, peaceful, and in love. That's what I want. So if that case, then I need to make sure that I am loving myself more. I am providing for myself. I am taking care of myself and I'm doing that for him as well. What the fuck is wrong with child? Jesus.
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I totally wish I was as brave as you. I got married extremely early and my husband totally wouldn't allow me to work or anything like that. Wouldn't allow me to have a driver's license, anything. I'm still sitting here with no license. My husband's deceased now. And girl, I don't know how to do the things that you do, but rock on and maybe tell a few women like me how to do you. You know what I mean? Because I would like to do something like you, but I can't. I don't know how.
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First off, I want to start by saying that I'm really sorry for your loss, but I also understand where you're coming from. I don't have my license either, but I am trying to get it. I'm taking it step by step, day by day, and I understand where you can feel lost, but step one is noticing that you need to learn how to do these things. So I'm proud of you for trying to learn and figuring it out. You got this.
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At the end of the day Crystal the bravery is already in you you know it's all about recognizing that it was an issue for you taking accountability for what you allow happy and moving forward yes it took me I didn't get my license I'm like 25 years old because I didn't have a need for it my dad will be around my brother was a driver so he drove me around and one day I realize that they might not always be here so I need to learn how to do that myself so that's my story
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What I can say to you is make sure that you go to your local DMV get on with those drivers Ed classes and have them teach you how to drive and that'll be the best bet for you as well as you know Sorry for your loss and you can continue growing and developing on your own is going to be a tough road but is the road is worth taking
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You know it's a lot of women who is out there are just like you they in a hole let the man take the dominant role in the household of being a breadwinner and they start working in age is always says that Is always the way to make money come into the household even if you're not working 9 to 5 job you could say you still bringing in money so that way if something happens to the breadwinner you can continue
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I think it's a lot of men who are out here with that idea of the woman to be at home raising the kids taking care of the household and I've always been a person to think outside the box and I say oh well even if a man goes to work tonight if I have a job I rather for to be a woman they can't still bringing her income at home while I'm still take care of the kids and you know being able to take care of the household so I can leave some stress off my husband
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I totally agree with this because my man is the only one making money right now because I'm pregnant and I just feel so shitty because he feels so much pressure pressure on him and He is always tired all the time and drained because he's the only one providing in this household right now And you just always want to make sure that you have your own money So you don't have to constantly go to him asking for shit. You know Yeah, I feel this. Hello, hard.
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And I'm so glad that you agree with this because a lot of you know women say they don't and it's like but you know they say that's their job and that's what they supposed to do and I'm like I wouldn't want my husband to feel like he's not at peace when he comes home like it's a lot of work that's a lot of pressure on one person so I'm glad that you agree and congratulations on the little one
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Thank you.
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Also, yeah, what the hell? It's not someone's job to, um, like, totally provide for you. like they're not your parent, they're your partner.
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Sis what why are people worried about which a man bring it home do you people need to drink water in mind a business but when you mind your own business you know because I have other people doing.
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I do agree with that but it was just something that the woman said and it just didn't sit right with me like is that all you guys demand for is a provider for the household nothing else provider and dick that's all you seem for and it really blew me because I would never want you to work and I'm at home we're going to eat both be at home Both gonna be at work like there's no in between kids at all
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Thank you ladies for chiming in I do appreciate you guys coming out and dropping your your thought process as well of course I would love to say this to all women who are listening to this never be at home not bringing any income never give the man a reason to go find peace somewhere else that's something that you guys have to think about yes I know you want to be kept being kept
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