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I'm not going to lie, it's number one because number two be lacking like a motherfucker. I went to Dairy Queen the other day and they gave me that comb. And they tasted so nasty like the ice cream was good but that on my lord it was so nasty. But number one I always had you in there, you for me. of tasting stale 108.
Man, if I'm getting... If I'm getting ice cream, I want the waffle cone. If I just... if I'm just getting cones, it's number two. Because they just... I don't know. I just like the way they crunch in your mouth. They taste fake, but in a good way, you know what I mean? Like how some girls get like Botox and everything you know what I mean?
I actually prefer number two because number one is a bit too sweet for me but I have to say that sometimes number two can taste a little bit weird It depends.
Number one in the cyclones here so I can't be late are you wanna vomit like perform better right now yeah I'm gonna be eating ice cream cones fill up ice cream I mean the condo rondo on top