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Alí 367d
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Ailin 370d
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So what's an experience that you've had in your life that has really changed your life? and experience that has been life-changing. Share below.
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So this year it's been packed with being a community leader, collaborating with other non-profit organizations, setting up events and marketing for them, and just rallying people up for a certain cause. And my cause that I'm passionate about is the earth and sustainability and planting back native plants in our communities. So just initiating these events this year and also getting up on stages and speaking and putting my own presentations together. And it's been pretty
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Empowering and it's really cool to see how every single person their voice matters. So to see the difference that my voice makes, you feel me like people wanting to listen to what I have to say and having my words be so impactful that it literally moves them to make a change or to shift a perspective or to plant a seed. Like I think that's so powerful and I feel like every single individual has that ability to do that. So I really believe that we're all
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powerful beyond measure. We all have such an innate beautiful uniqueness that we're meant to shine and bring to this earth and I feel that as long, you know, like putting the nerves aside, putting the awkwardness aside, ripping off the band-aid and just putting yourself in these tough hard situations, you realize that yo you're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. At least that's what I keep proving to myself and I know that every single person has the ability to to do that too.
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That is lovely to hear and I love to hear you just the passion that you have around this topic and You know, it's quite interesting to see that you feel so good in helping other people and hearing other voices and You know, this is a time for us to have that opportunity and there's just so many platforms out there for us to do that and And yeah, I wish you the best in all your endeavors.
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I think for me is that I am a rich. I am not Muslim but when I had my surgery last year I dreamt that one of my ancestors she was pointing at this Arabic writing that is I am Aya El-Kurzi and I woke up.
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I woke up, I started to Google, I am El-Qurzi and it turned out to be a Quranic Surah that protects against evil eye, about shaitan, around just protection from Allah in general and I was so surprised to know that because I needed that at that point in my life.
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I found that really beautiful because my last Islamic ancestor was many centuries ago. I am Mexican and now none of my immediate families or relatives are Middle Eastern that are Muslims so that was very beautiful to to hear that from my ancestor to keep keep pushing in my life.
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Actually, funny story. I was a Muslim and now I'm not a Muslim anymore because of the horrible experiences I had growing up. Not funny, but you know, to each their own and if you find community in Islam then that is good for you so that's lovely to hear.
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