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okay so this is my first sound **** first post oh in general my first question out here to all you stereo nights yeah that doesn't that is that right anyway is there ever a good explanation for someone who's kind of hiding you in a relationship. What do y'all think? I can't wait to hear back from you.
Well good morning good morning good question here is there ever a good reason to keep someone a secret absolutely not if you love somebody you care about them you're in a relationship your love should be so not loud
Hey, thanks for the input the feedback. I appreciate that Trying to get as many answers as I can I just want to see Everybody gonna say you know to me on this Miss me being the one to publish it ain't no wrong answer. You know, I Just want to see where everybody stand But thank you so much miss cheese cake be any I appreciate that and good morning to you What are you up to? What you know good? Are you up to know good?
Great question Laffey and in my opinion there is never ever a good reason to keep someone a secret whether it's a friendship with it was a relationship what are you trying to hide that's just being shady I will leave and honesty and openness the neck amino misunderstandings or miscommunications and there's people keeping people secrets secrets in general I always get found out they always get out it out on you
Thank you Sarah. I appreciate your feedback and general intrigue and interest in this post. Just trying to get a general consensus of what most people are saying, what they feel. But you know, I'm inclined to agree with you. There may be extenuating circumstances where it might be more understandable, but it's never acceptable, you know
I would have said Stereo Knights too, like Brooklyn Knights, but anyways. There should be no reason a relationship should be kept a secret. I don't see the right reason. I don't see one, not even friendships. That's tough for those who accept being the secret.
No, there isn't a good reason to keep someone a secret. I'll be like, I'm like, I agree with everybody. They're gonna show them off. Shoot, they better show me off. I'm always gonna show out though. Make my claims, you know what I'm saying? That's just me, but yeah girl, good question. It's good. I can't wait to hear all the answers. I'm gonna agree with all of them. There is no good reason to keep someone a secret. What's up? Lafa, Lafa.
Spite lie lie lie Brin din din din din din thank you for your answer. I appreciate that And thank you on the question. Maybe I can come with the noise on the next one too Appreciate you know feedback and everything Yeah I have to agree. Say my name. Say my name. Yeah, you know what I mean What I do what I do what I do what I do make some you a show um see me I think I'll scoot all through.
OK so this is my personal opinion know that no one should ever be kept a secret. Private though most definitely if you wanna keep your relationship to yourself but at least people knowledge and relationship that's fine but just how do you relationship and no one knowing that you in relationship and you are you acting like you're single or whatever is just not OK so you should be had a nobody. But this is my opinion no Good afternoon everybody
M spade thank you. Thank you for weighing in appreciate feedback I'm inclined to agree with you Maybe one scenario I like hood make sense of like yeah make sense, but Still not excusable, you know, there are those times in life where that absolutely comes along It's like the reason for doing something It makes a lot of sense, but you can agree with it morally. more compass won't point that direction.
I personally don't drink there's a good reason to keep her relationship secret specially if it's something serious but there are times where you have to keep it a secret special if you're part of a community that you know frowned upon by many
Bro bro bro bro bro bro listen to this area so when I was in high school you know I had two girlfriends drop my entire high school career and again I played sports I was at the hospital with chalk and you know how our house so I have to hide in for by exit listen I don't I don't want islands my list steaks but oh I had about the girls