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A vibrator I just fuck with you I don't know honestly nothings really just make my life easier tell me they did make my life easier with stuff that wasn't technology like dirt biking or mountain bike and just doing activities like football and shit like that like no your life
I'm geeking out right now because I got a tablet so I can just, you know, when I wake up in the morning before I open my laptop and it's my at-home work day, I have my calendar, I have my planner and I also have a digital planner so I can write in it, draw in it, have fun in it and I also downloaded a productivity app to where it's a game. It gamifies your life to where I have a character and I gain XP points for completing certain tasks that build me up in
Must be nice I look you on iPad but I'm broke as hell sadly but I really want a iPad so I can like coloring but I have a color and shit I don't know but yeah that'll be nice to have an iPad