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Yo what's good stereo people people of stereo whatever you know anyways tell me the craziest or scariest thing that has ever happened to you and don't hold back because I'm bored and I need some entertainment so please what is the scariest thing that has happened to you
OK so it was around Christmas time last year to go in like 4 o'clock in the morning I was driving around with my dad's car And I am just driving around I was just moved her to the Latin music on I don't know why I did but I go is it just Vibin but I'm have to continue this in the stereo
So I was just Vibin on my way back home All of a sudden I started feeling a vibration just started driving vibrate and I know so I stop the car pull it off to the side got the car looked around all of a sudden I see it's a tire just popped in this mad at Scarborough this is my dad's car like dog
Bro I was in shock I was so scared and my parents were away desk Bro I took the lead is it took the car for a ride and all of a sudden it's our path bro Rose rose anyways, what is the hail row I was waiting I was trying to call the tow truck company but they were all close so I had to wait until like 7 o'clock in the morning to call bro I was sauce
Well, the scariest thing I think well, not the scariest bro, but it was like I almost fucking died and fucking broke my neck cuz it's stupid ass. Okay. Let me tell you a story before I be too angry Okay, so I'm in my fucking grandma house. You know I'm saying like I think one of my Okay, I'm calling one of my cousins and He was like offering people like rides like
His four wheeler so run around like the little park and areas and stuff Yeah, so I offered it to like join him. No skin cuz I want I want to run a fucking four wheeler You know I'm saying so I get on the goddamn for real. We drive around this shit. You know I'm saying and Long story short We like draw up a hill like a big ass hill like a big and he gone fast as shit I'll often make that a part.
So bone we drop up this goddamn hill course. It was too fucking big So the four wheeler flipped over it flipped over We was going fast as shit and he tried to go up the hill and the whole four wheeler flipped over and We lend like under four wheeler. I'm gonna broke my motherfucking *****. My ***** was hurting My neck was fucking hurting my ***** like god damn and I'm gonna fucking die I'm not fucking for real because this ***** try to jump he tried to drop up a guy's on a big ass heel like what the fuck
Honestly Like when I'm in like some deep shit I think like wedding of my my reaction play the scariest thing legs so nerve-racking but I'm tired but excuse that I spaced out she's white goose dumb motherfuckers analysis I'm sad
The crazy thing is ever having me was losing my virginity to an other couple you know if you were like 6060 to 70 sound like that yeah that's why I go I think they're dead now
Is there just one time that I was just chilling on stereo in this random guy he's like 84 started texting me and saying all these weird things that I am a disrespectful and then he saying that hot and then he saying that he likes a drawing that I posted and all this stuff so I'm like service please stop and minor he's a Glock me then block me block me motherfucker so I decided to just block him It was really scary because like the whole time on that day I was like looking back behind me
Oh so when I was like probably like eight or nine or something there's this dog across the road in this fence and he was like trying to like kill people and stuff so I was outside with my dog playing with her stuff in this dog jumped over the fence and starts chasing me and my daughter so that pretty I was pretty frightening