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I think the worst thing I've ever done was broke up with someone for the wrong reason. Like, I was dating this person back in 8th grade. This is like 3 years ago. I'm a junior now. And I told them I broke up with them because of my parents, but the truth was I actually broke up with them because I didn't like how overly obsessive they were being and I'm not a cheater, but they kept accusing me of like cheating with people that they were jealous of and I didn't like that and I just, yeah, I broke up with them for the wrong reason.
The worst thing that I have every day like it was most likely because of my mom out because she had said something to me that I didn't like and I didn't even meet we just kind of slipped out and she put me in my mouth and this shit hurts
To be honest, the worst thing I ever did was I chanced at a ***** and I thought he wouldn't cheat on me and come stuff out. He cheated on me with my cousin and a lot about his age and everything. Like, you ain't gotta do that. I'm gonna date you anyway.