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Yes huge difference having sex is like you want to get out passionate making love is showing passion and it's slow where it's not as like oh yeah fuck you baby
I don't think it really matters because I like fucking his fucking psych just one fucking is just a little bit more passionate but you're still fucking
Sexy sex at the Internet that ain't no different so if I suck you when I'm happy and sock you when I'm mad didn't you still get socked I thought so so yeah sex is just sex
I mean sure if you just have sex man so I just die but if you actually like making love with someone right there's a meaning to it right and it means a lot more
All right if you guys don't get this message you're stupid as fuck but he's laying on the rest of the sex and making love mom I'm sad to songs examples sex this is the song for six OK Slut me out slut me out then for making love is like who can do you wanna love nobody baby nobody