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Guys, so I was just thinking, and I actually made a post about this on my personal Instagram, about making stories and assumptions about other people without knowing the full story. And I'm just getting to a point where it's not bothering me, but it is, because we're in 2023 and I feel like everyone deserves a chance to explain themselves if they want to. And if you wanna get to know them, obviously there's the choice. If you wanna get to know a person or not, okay, we're not going there. But before we make assumptions, I think it is important to get to know a person or understand their situation in a sense. And then from there, make a judgment. Because I feel like I know that that's natural for human beings to make assumptions and judge within the first three seconds. I know that that has been proven. But if we make the conscious effort, I think the world would probably be a little bit of a better place. And I think I'm putting the single mom thing in there because I am a single mother and then there's this huge stigma. Oh, no, single mothers are this single mothers are that. And it's like the majority of us don't choose to be single mothers because we've been through situations We thought that they were one way and they turned out to be another Let me know what you guys think because this is something that's weighing on my heart and not only the way that I put it as well on Instagram was Encompassing all situations Not just single motherhood, but I wanted to put that here because it's also very important. So let me know what you guys think, what your opinion is on this. because it's very important.