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Auntie Social 677d
Auntie Social
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B Mac
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What's up everybody so let me just say that I love the kids and one thing that I want to talk about is the best early development TV shows show me a grew up in the early 90s as a kid and one thing I love so much what is Barney a little barn so much I had one bedroom everything and I have a little Velcro shoes little toddler shoes and I just slept over to watch those shoes like that that was my favorite issues as a kid begins love Barney and I love barn so much because by the good thing he can dance to get the best songs by Henry how do I make a peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that was my jam But I love TV shows like this I've always been a musical kid and I've always learn a lot of things to music so sounds like this definitely helped my development as a kid and I appreciate them so much so I wanna know what are some of your favorite early development TV shows as a kid let me know
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I was not a huge Barney fan, but I did like Gullah Gullah Island and I recently rewatched it and I learned that the voice actor that did Binyabinya the The Polywog was the same as the voice actor that did Barney. the more you know.
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You definitely just dropped one on me because I never knew that so thank you for that little tidbit I never knew that
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