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All right chicken nuggets is equivalent to boneless wings they are gossip bones wings just chicken nuggets for adults you got to convince me otherwise I don't even know if there's really meat on the other side of the LeBreton pause please bone and leave my bones we need to be need to bones it's not the same I can't argue about trumps of flats are you arguing about his breading and breading It's not the same it's adult chicken nuggets I'm sorry it just is what it is
Ain't no way. Boneless wings can exist. Birds have bones in their wings, okay? At that point, we just gotta get it right. I'm with you on that. Gotta call it a chicken nugget or a chicken tender. Ain't no such thing as a bonus way.
But I'm glad somebody filmed me. It gotta be adult chicken nuggets for real. Like, ain't no other explanation for that shit. I don't know. That's just how I see it.