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Hey I just want to say I think you're actually really talented I like your music and your song you sound like XXXTENTACION much stuff see you keep doing anything keep doing it's good to me
I like your song to him I think it's a vibe is it on like any platforms or anything or are you just Kaina playing your own I can't do your own thing before you like release it to certain platforms
Oh yeah thank you on my it's on all platforms just follow my Instagram you can find the links there the song is called succubus and it's on all platforms
I like this song is like a really nice guy and I like allosteric like I'm weird but I like the blue light is giving very much like serial killer like I like that
Yeah, to anyone finding me or finding this post, if you like my music, just follow my Instagram. It's a link in my stereo bio. And just click, you follow my Instagram and then the link to all my music as in my Instagram bio. Thank you.
Thank you home is actually already released on my music is that I've peed on her so far I'll just go to my Instagram and you can find it on my a stereo like I can't think of just quit the Instagram thing and then I just follow my Instagram and my link to all my music is in my bio this song right here is called I would know it's called succubus I'm so ya it's on my phone