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Preston 612d
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Pixie Glitter 612d
Pixie Glitter
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Pixie Glitter
Pixie Glitter
Pixie Glitter
Pixie Glitter
Auntie Social
Auntie Social
Auntie Social
Auntie Social
Auntie Social 612d
Auntie Social
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Derrick Dunn 612d
Derrick Dunn
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Auntie Social
Tina 611d
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Eternal 611d
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Vivaciousone 611d
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The Deep Dive 611d
The Deep Dive
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Jamara Alton 611d
Jamara Alton
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What's up my PB's? This is me, Anti-Social. Yo, I don't fucking understand why this drives me insane, but there is a way that certain people pronounce this word that I cannot fucking stand! It fills me with rage when I hear it. So I'm curious, Do you say deputy or deputy? Because I say the latter because it's spelled with a fucking you it is not spelled DEPI TY. It's not spelled deputy I Again, I don't know why it drives me fucking in saying But it does Also, I heard somebody say once when I was in high school that pronouncing O F T E N often just proves you know how to spell it, but that it's actually pronounced often and Ever since then I have pronounced it often because I like any excuse to be pretentious Holy shit, there's a bunch of fucking hooligan kids running around and screaming. They probably just committed a crime You see that shit all the time in Long Beach if there is a group of five to ten kids just running and and like screaming and looking behind them? Guarantee they just committed a fucking crime. I am trying not to make eye contact with them because teenagers terrify me.
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From where I from I called it Deputy.
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There's multiple things that could be a possibility for this so because of what I do in my profession there are speech and language disabilities there's hearing disabilities and then there's kids who are just not taught how to pronounce it correctly and so that I don't have it that's how they say it when they become an adult to And so it's kind of hard because
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Because I had to get annoyed with a miss pronunciation of that word and other words and there's also people who are learning English as a second language so there could be like an accent and language thing going on to so I just kind of like have I just tell myself to pass it by because I don't know what I don't know even though I know that I'm kind of like a little bothered by it but I just you know I just have to say OK I can't I gotta walk away
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And the other thing is I know I have caught myself miss pronouncing something or I was miss pronouncing it in a no idea because no one ever told me I was saying it wrong which annoys me because if I am saying a word wrong I would appreciate someone private message actually no I did have a friend private message me when she's like I would never call you out on this in public because that's rude and that's horrible she's like I just wanna let you know so that like nothing ever happens like someone's not mean to you
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Which I appreciated her doing that because I honestly had no idea I was pronouncing the word wrong and nobody my entire life had ever told me so I appreciated her just like taking me a side and telling me privately that I have lotta respect for but they're like some people who are really jerky about pronunciation and they don't wanna hear it from anybody and they're not gonna be nice when someone even is nice to them about collecting them
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So moral of the story is we don't know we don't know so I just air on the side of caution even though my like grammar pronunciation side of myself gets a little you know Not OK with it because I was and then I also put in to have my own experiences so I'm trying to like OK what OK let's do that just let's just not
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You know, I have a lot I could say in response to this. Like, I know for once, for one thing, correcting grammar and being a stickler about that and like, that is a factor of white supremacy and like, ebonics doesn't exist, etc, etc. So judging people based on spelling and pronunciation is a pretentious thing that I shouldn't do. I will say that for one. and then number two.
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I thought at first when you said one reason for this, I thought you were going to go into the psychology of why a person might be infuriated by hearing words pronounced wrong because as a little kid there was certain words my parents allowed me to say wrong for a long time because they thought it was cute and I have distinct memories of when I realized I was saying something wrong and and being furious at my parents for letting me talk like a fucking baby, basically.
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Anyway, all I really wanted to say when you said that no, you know, talking about nobody ever telling you when you pronounced words wrong I recently discovered that there are people in this world who believe minestrone soup is pronounced minestrone Like unironically, they just think it's pronounced minestrone or Mindstone, I can't even remember but that's not how you say it That's not how that soup is said. No way. It's minstrone or or mini-strone or however the fuck I heard it.
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Also one time I heard somebody say the word innovative in such a way that it rhymed with derivative. As in they said innovative and my mind was fucking blown. I was like I didn't know you could do that. I didn't know you could say it like that? Talk about innovative, innovative, I love that. You know what I mean.
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Another part of it comes from the fact that my dad is a career English teacher So he naturally thought you know there was certain ways to say things although he He's kind of like a lax. You know, he believes that language evolves He also thinks that ain't is a perfectly legitimate contraction for am I not and things like that so But still, he's kind of a stickler for pronunciation, and so I think that's partially where I got that.
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Deputy. How do you pronounce it? The only word the way to pronounce it is Deputy. How else are you supposed to pronounce it if you don't say the beauty? It's deputy most definitely.
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I 100% agree. It's deputy. Or as someone else commented, you could say, deputy. If you're like real Southern, you said deputy. But if you say, deputy, without any Southern accent and you're just serious, then you're wrong. I don't know why I have such strong feelings about this. Fuck them all. Fuck all cops. Say their name wrong on purpose.
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When I saw this I was like really confused I was like what other way do you spell like I mean I pronounced deputy it's deputy that's like there's I haven't heard anyone else say anything other our
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I got a better question here. Do you say oil or all? Do you say pecan or pecan? I feel like there's another one. It's got me another one. Hold up. No, I can't think of another one. Fuck.
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You could call it the beauty, dep-peu-ti, or dep-be-ty. Or the putty. Or de-poo-ti-de-be-ty. Da-be-ty, da-be-ty, da-be-ty. I'm just playing now, but yeah.
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I'll pronounce it Deputy
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Let me try. Deputy. Thanks!<|pa|><|translate|> Deputy, Deputy.
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