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So we might go out every day we drive 25 minutes to take our daughter to school. We moved but we still wanted the same school zone. Well she definitely wants to keep going there and there's nothing wrong with that school so we drive her little asses 25 minutes. It used to be five minutes so now we go 25 to like 30 ranges between 20 to 30 minutes a day and that's a lot of gas and we've contemplated moving her school zones but you know what it's about to be the end of the year and the good thing is grandma still lives five minutes away so she's a tremendous help she'll pick her up sometimes so yeah every morning is So we do a lot of gas but that's what you do for your kids.
I totally hear you on that one and the things we do for our kiddos but good for you guys too for doing that because like school you know when they have one that they really love like let's keep them there cause that's important
Yes indeed it does make a difference. I appreciate that acknowledgement. Thank you Ashley. Wait, I think that's your name. Thank you. Yeah, Ash Wise. Thank you, Ash.
Are you proud of you for doing that because not a lot of parents would so yes keep them out of school they love OK keep them there could you make all the difference in the world