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Cristiana Norielle
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Nicholas GROSZ
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Jake Boston 684d
Jake Boston
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Gsil 684d
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Starving Marvin
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So I like I like watching comedy movies but personally I think that the comedy movies from the post about 1020 is gonna be lost on you I think you're better than the ones I'm making these days would you reckon you think it is funny what do you think you're funny before
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Yeah I agree I think a lot of the movies now are way too corny
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I can get I can agree with your take on these I think the older comedy movies or more centered around being funny where is nowadays it's more cursing in real sexual contact in place of just being funny so I do like the older, he's better
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I feel like 21 and 22 Jump Street were the last really good comedy movies that came out And I think 22 Jump Street came out like eight years ago They really haven't been a lot of really great comedy since then in my opinion.
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I think they are not really actually to a certain degree, yeah, but not really not as funny as they were maybe because you're younger you like the people a bit more and stuff, pay a bit more attention to it. But yeah.
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I'll be having the same as all the company mean before no need to be more serious for cushion trucks customs locales quarter
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