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I don't know if this is weird, but I have this little tradition on Christmas Because I'm not I'm not Christian right so I don't celebrate Christmas But I always have this thing that I do Every Christmas day I get nice and cozy and I watch home alone So I wanted to know if this was a normal thing and if everyone does it or if it's just me But if it is a normal thing, what is your go-to? movie to watch on Christmas Day or around that Christmas time but me personally I I prefer to do on Christmas. What's your what's you guys go to movie?
Who is spicy stuff we might go to Christmas movie it's just really nostalgic good vibes and yeah like there's a literally nothing bad you can say about it
The Santa clause movies the home alone movies I love last Christmas that's a great Nino newer Christmas film you know just the classic you know popular ones that's what I love Christmas movies there's so much fun