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So Doja Cat dressed up like an actual cat for the met gala and I'm actually here for it I feel like it's about time she's always had really quirky fits for events and this one honestly just tops the cake like it makes me uncomfortable to look up but at the same time it's a really cool so mixed feelings but at the end I kind of love it
Kaylins absolutely amazing I loved it she's always jalapeño with her outfits her luxe everything I was there for it and she meowing like she totally suck on her character and I love it
I am I wasn't the biggest fan I just feel like the met gala used to be more like fashionable and classy an hour late so he will just take it over and saw an interview she did and she was literally meowing so yeah I think it's too far
It was weird but I feel like weird outfits are what people talk about so good for her for you know using that to her advantage and also she dressed up as a card and she's doing a card so yeah I feel like that was cool.