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As a teenager I was babysitting for a family that was very very wealthy and large mansion filled with a huge number of rooms and a fast number of interesting antiques and artefacts strangely about the man who in the house mentioned to me that once the children were put to sleep for the night and I should only go to the basement and not spend any time in any other rooms in the house so I can watch television down there play puzzle games and I was free to do anything else in the basement But the rest of the house was off-limits so I went to the basement once the children were in bed but quickly I noticed a large crown statue in the corner of the room it appeared to be staring at me wherever I went in the basement I continue to watch my show and try my best to ignore it but I can't shake the feeling that the statue was following me around with his eyes so I decided to put a blanket over the statue eventually to ask for to make myself feel more comfortable Feeling freaked out I decided to call the dad of the children and ask if I can move to any other room of the house because I was so freaked out by the time you need to leave now we don't wanna clown statue the children have been telling us that they've been seeing the chrome in the room in the night and we thought they were having nightmares take the children to get out of the house the dad said I hung up the phone terrified as I turned around to seeing the statue was gone leaving behind only a blanket on the floor So this is where my question comes to play do you want your partner have ever had a spooky story of paranormal or not let me know in the comments
You know, I try not to do the haunted house or haunted area stuff with my partner because one, I'm just too protective I'd have to look out for and I'd be too worried about her than myself, but I've done some spooky shit with some friends.
Oh hell yeah, my partner and I have all serious stories. Mostly me. My family is from an island and we definitely believe in the island spirits and stuff, so So I had more experiences back home.
I'm single like the last Pringle right now, but I'll tell you all the story on one of my past partners. Well, I moved to another city in high school and he still lived in my old city. And so one weekend he came up to visit me and he's gonna spend the night in my room. I'm gonna spend the night in my parents' room, right? That's how that's going because I'm a Latina. Hello. I'm surprised my parents even said yes to this. Anywho.