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John Nielsen 685d
John Nielsen
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Jayy 685d
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Evileyes 683d
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So I see that Apex has a new season coming and along with the new season they are dropping a new character who goes by the name of Ballistic. A lot of his passive perks sounds pretty dope. His tactical perk definitely is good, but what I'm really excited for with him is his ultimate. First off, we're gonna go right back to his passive. His passive allows you to carry a third weapon Which brings me back to his ultimate his ultimate once it's on and active It allows you and your teammates to have infinite ammo Also, you guys will auto reload every little quicker. And I just seem like that there. You just know that you are going to need ballistic in almost every type of game setting that you're going to be playing in. You gonna either want to be using ballistic or you gonna want to have a ballistic on your team because the fact that he's giving you infinite amount of ammo and that you already know a lot of child heart are going to be running as him and having him on their team. So every is going to be a lot of ballistic usage. He's definitely the nomad.
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I don't play enough epex, I had to go check this shit out more I guess.
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Yeah I have been playing Apex in about 23 seasons and I came across a video on YouTube where I seen they were a job in the new card to ballistic and I had to go in and see like mine to definitely my what he's capable of then yeah seems pretty dope but they need to do more for the game bro
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I mean I would play apex in a minute. I mean new legend It's cool, whatever honestly, but that's not really my concern about apex It's just still in terms of content. It gets really boring and that's why I don't play it anymore but I will definitely check it out for a little bit and then probably hop off.
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To be honest I don't even play Apex legends but I played it wasn't it it was not that fun so I'm staying on call of duty modern warfare
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