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Renee Shelkey 686d
Renee Shelkey
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Alice Swash 686d
Alice Swash
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Rropt 686d
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John Stulpin 685d
John Stulpin
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Joe Testouri 685d
Joe Testouri
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Breze Kimble-Moore
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Would you rather date somebody that stands out or fits in like somebody who's either a super plain Jean they were like the basic average clothing of regular normal colored hair or would you rather date somebody that's like super colorful with how they dress and they have like colorful hair they might have like a whole bunch of tattoos that kind of thing
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I don't think I care physically if they stand out or they don't stand out, but I'm probably more drawn to people who are more like me. I'm a quieter, more like a more down-down than somebody who's really differently out there because I don't like attention drawn yourself.
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I say someone that stands out because they're really more confident and I like people like that I think I am yeah I would say is that I wouldn't be I wouldn't say no if somebody blends in but I don't want some of the sound down
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Sony stands out with probably catch my eye and probably cheating more than Sony really plans and I don't know this because like schools walk-in place on that bike I want the Sun is out more most of the time this is this someone who's that's just the way the curtains of mature know that the actual woman no I mean Yeah
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You know what I mean they're gonna stand out here regardless so hopefully they're not a sheep and they can make their own decisions and take accountability but at the end of the day your partner should be a stand out to you doesn't have to stand up to other people
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I'll probably say someone who stands out if I was to choose between the two I think personality week without having some new plants and 27 and agree it could be before
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It don't matter. Should I stand out or not stand out? Adleridoma
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honestly I never thought of this question so this is a good one I think someone who stands out because I'm one person that likes to blend in so maybe that's where we like opposites attract in that way yeah I would say that and I think my partner he definitely stands out and I'm like I blend in but we match each other really well like because he's definitely more extroverted I'm introverted.
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