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Livia Milano 686d
Livia Milano
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Armani Monche 686d
Armani Monche
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Anxiety so like I know anxiety is real and I know that it can affect people's lives but what are ways to deal with anxiety like how if you've got it how do you arm Manage the symptoms of anxiety like it must be really really hard to manage like I know deep breathing trying to calm your mind and just trying to take control of the situation arm but yeah what are some other ways to manage it
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Well when I have it I am super lazy and tired all the time like totally lethargic so if there's nothing else I can get myself to do I'm just lay there and meditate and just put on like a guided meditation so I don't even have to do anything but listen that's how I deal with it and even when I don't wanna do it I always feel better after
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My partner has anxiety and she does many things to try to put it at ease. You know, sometimes some things work better than others. But it really is like an uphill battle for her sometimes. And I try to be mindful of it. But it's not the easiest thing in the world, you know? but
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