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Stephanie Tejada
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MrMunch 685d
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So what's something that you're really insecure about yourself but other people find cute there's actually a couple things for me one I'm very insecure about how strong my chin and jawline is like I look up a very defined online for a female and a lot of people have told me it's kind of cute and complementary am I get a lot of people like that but I you know kind of hate it
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I feel like I have chubby cheeks, but apparently it makes you look feminine. And, yeah, I've never liked my chubby cheeks.
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No idea so I used to I used to be very insecure about my John same for me it was like I was like a calm like 45 but that's not a problem I used to stink though you fill me in on amethyst gosh cause I don't like she was actually fucking with it like you know me like maybe I should just really like like like what I have in life it's not wash my shit and like just keep it like that you for me
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