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I'm a gamer and a bit of a nerd and I'm old and so my first phone was the Nokia Engage. It was basically a gaming phone back in like 2003 or something. I got it for like my 13th birthday I think. It was terrible and great.
OK so first of all my mom give me a Nokia first little flip phone you know you gotta press it three times in one letter that was my first phone kind of and then like at the same time I also had a blackberry neither the phone's had minutes but I was playing games on both of them and like I could fake call people and I think after that when I was in fifth grade so yeah when I was in fifth grade the iPhone 4 came out and that's when I get ready
First phone was a Samsung Galaxy, um, I think like, S something. I can't even remember. It was a really older phone, but I've always had Samsung since my switch to iPhone will