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Mike Bedard 686d
Mike Bedard
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So some people dabble in fantasy sports really the only thing that comes close to doing that for me every summer a group of friends and I do a summer movie box office wager to see what the top 10 movies of the summer are going to be I'm trying to make my list now for this year and there are a lot of different options what movie do you think is gonna make the most between May and Labor Day
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I think I need anything I feel like it's kind of gonna be the only have some thoughts on this but I think the live action little mermaid will probably make over $1 billion and be the highest grossing movie of the summer the live action Disney remakes have been doing very well like lion king Aladdin both made over 1 billion in Little mermaid is in the that same kind of category it has that stat same level of Fanbase so I think it's gonna do real well
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