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H N 686d
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GlobbiePippen 686d
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All right when you're about to do a heist on GTA do you try and get people you know to play with you like your friends do you invite them to play or do you just wait and let strangers play with you I feel like I Kinda do both I love meeting new people to play with to be honest and so I don't mind when it's just like a bunch of strangers other than when they're awful and we keep dying but for the most part I feel like I kind of just do both how about you
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I'm quite like I haven't played GT in a long time but when I was doing highest I made sure I was doing it with friends because random people just annoying me they'll end up leaving like halfway through the highest and just ruin the whole thing.
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I hate playing with strangers on GTA because most of the time they won't even do their mission right and then you just wasted your time.
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