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Jay 513d
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Renzo 510d
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Destiny 509d
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Marcel Urena 509d
Marcel Urena
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Has there been a movie recently that was so shit or boring and they basically slept through it I nearly slept through John Wick four Harlow it was a little late start for a movie and it wasn't even that good tomorrow night was okay
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There's a movie called the fall that was apparently good that everybody said it was good but it was complete shit And I fell asleep in the first like probably 20 minutes it's fairly bad
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I'm surprised no one said this but Batman versus superman like that three hour long movie only for them to actually start fighting near the end like I literally slept for like a whole probably like hour and some more because it was just pouring like I mean it was just continuous continuous of just nothing to me and then when I actually start finding it was near the end and at that point people don't really care no more so to me
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I have a voice code but like I was a bit pissed but I watch it and I can't remember it's like a really old horror film if you go into Netflix Nora is I think it's like 1919 something but like it's no it's no I am here now it was really shit and it was absolutely fucking terrible
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I remember one of the first movies that I ever fell asleep in the movie theater was when I went to go see the book of Eli in theaters on silent I need to get a movie rewatch cause I wash it when I was younger and I just fell asleep was bored out of my mind so I don't really have a good review on the movie
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