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Dami Hughes 697d
Dami Hughes
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Altin Veliu 697d
Altin Veliu
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Bahrijehaxha 697d
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Erza 697d
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Mitzi Mendoza 697d
Mitzi Mendoza
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Amzino 691d
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Doja Nat 691d
Doja Nat
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Landon 689d
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Jorge González
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Is there a scene or like an action any movie that you kinda like just don't fuck with all that you just skip it completely okay so sick like you just refuse to watch for me personally I don't have any of those issues by know some people like they do skips and scenes or the skip so and actions like shooting or killing R
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Do you know what I will be totally honest when I see some gay shit going on a Carlos get Batman I'm not even bruv I just don't wanna watch it that's the only thing I can't skip of she's weird but I don't watch it on TV
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No not really I mean if it's in the southern is somewhat useful to to know right or something I don't know but I never escape anything to be honest
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Like, unless it's like really dirty or like really violent and gruesome, like, happening to a kid then I'll just watch it.
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Not a refuse to a scene with this gun.
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No, I tend to just watch them if I'm being honest. If I know it's like a movie, then I'm fine with it. If it's like real life footage, then I'm like, no, I can't watch it. but if it's like a movie or a show then I'm fine.
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Not really but I will stay away from like core movies I'm like I've never seen it but like the Texas chainsaw massacre or saw like those can we say I just avoid completely because I don't want to see that
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I'm like you yeah, I don't really care too much or like I'm not you know, I don't really skip anything If I don't really like anything, I'll just, you know, me so leave a couple seconds off, I'll find it.
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No I don't refuse to watch the gun violence scenes on shows but sex scenes do make me really uncomfortable like especially if I'm watching them with other people
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If it's like a movie or TV show I've already watched and I already know what happens then maybe, but even then I don't even like skip anything. I like watching everything and I like bingeing, rewatching shows and over and over and it's like pretty fun. I like doing that, but I usually don't skip. us Kipsley is because I think it's really boring.
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was there been... AH no
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