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ꨄ𖣔𖣔N Moon
Stephanie Bligh
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ꨄ𖣔𖣔N Moon
GloInDaDark 689d
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ꨄ𖣔𖣔N Moon
Suzanne pickens
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ꨄ𖣔𖣔N Moon
ꨄ𖣔𖣔N Moon
T W N G Y 686d
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ꨄ𖣔𖣔N Moon
ꨄ𖣔𖣔N Moon
Andrew Parsons
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ꨄ𖣔𖣔N Moon
ꨄ𖣔𖣔N Moon
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ꨄ𖣔𖣔N Moon
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Alisha 681d
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Manny 681d
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ꨄ𖣔𖣔N Moon
Storming the Weather
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ꨄ𖣔𖣔N Moon
Storming the Weather
Storming the Weather
Storming the Weather
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It is a major misconception in society that a diet is what commonly people know as restriction. However, a diet, actually by definition, is what people habitually consume on a day-to-day basis. You can have an unhealthy diet or a healthy diet or something in between. So when I refer to diet, I'm speaking upon what it is that you consume every single day or the lack thereof. So what is one thing you want to change or improve on in your diet? Why? Let's talk about it. Comment below.
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One thing that I would like to change or improve in my diet would definitely be in my food habits I would love to change more carbs for vegetables greens lettuce I definitely also on incorporate smoothing would be a great beneficial way to incorporate more vitamins into your eating that would be a great way to improve my diet
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Once upon a time I used to be a certified nutritionist. I am no longer. However, I do remember my training and one of the things that I learned was the difference between complex carbohydrates and refined carbohydrates and that goes for all of the other food groups. groups. I encourage you to learn the difference because you may not need to exactly cut back on carbohydrates like you think.
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The smoothie era, oh I remember when that came out, that was really popular between 2012 and 2018. There are so many smoothie recipes out there and you really only need a handful of ingredients. Since making this comment on Saturday, have you had a smoothie yet? Did you like it? Would you try it again?
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One thing I want to change is to stop eating so much sugar. because it's definitely not good for you.
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Did you know that not all sugar is created equally? Natural sugars are processed better by the body versus refined sugars. Refined sugars, yes, that is where it is toxic and unhealthy for you. But you can find natural sugars in fruits, honey, for example. Even the sugarcane direct from the plant itself is good for you. So I'd encourage you to look into that.
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Do you know what I hate the most moons like you're eating wheat and that shit is converted to sugar in your body is a good cringe we also is in obviously carcinogens and you cook things on the table to stop eating wheat just you know we're gonna eat stuff at the reprocess stuff you need to drink a shit ton of water and I'm gonna delete that stuff at your body and I have not responded season a while so thank you for your patience
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Thank you for your patience in my response considering I'm responding like nine days later after you responded to this one. But that is very interesting information about wheat. Thank you for the knowledge drop. I will definitely look into this myself because I love to learn. If you can help me out with the source that way I I don't have to dig so hard. That would be amazing. Thank you Twengy.
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I want to improve with me really, really eating really healthier. I really, really want to get away from fried foods. I really do. I keep trying to program my mind to actually get away from it, but fried foods is something that I really want to get rid of.
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Do you personally own an air fryer? I don't. However, I have heard the benefits of it from other people who also have enjoyed fried foods. They say there's not really a taste to difference. It tastes actually pretty close to actual fried foods. However, they enjoy the health benefits of air fried foods versus the deep fried foods. Tell me what you think about that.
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Eating more healthier like meats Chicken or fish are staying away from my bread minutes
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It is unfortunately a common misconception that one meat is better than the other. Different meats offer a range variety of different nutrients and vitamins. It really depends on what your body needs. For example, people that have O-positive blood types do consume red meat because it gives them what their blood type needs to function in everyday life.
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So with that being said, what I would encourage you to do, instead of cutting out meats that might actually be beneficial for you depending on your blood type, depending on the needs of your body and the environment that you're in, I would encourage you if you can to go speak to your doctor and also to a registered dietitian. Let them help you make a wise decision on what meets you should keep and what meets you should limit. I do wish you well on your successful and your journey.
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Um, and you know, I already do a lot of good with my diet, but I guess I just don't fall into the temptation of the of the good junkie food, but uh, then I usually just drink a ton of water, but if so, that is not the only solution And yeah, lighter posting some sound bites yo Woo!
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It makes me really happy Twengie that you are happy with your diet and that you take such good care of yourself. I know I could stand to learn a thing or two from you. And by the way, I love your sound bites. Keep them coming.
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Thank you man over the years I've moved away from and processed vegan meat said I do to people like you know try to make your own pates make your own whatever I don't do Mark Mancina I just use some thing else it's a whole food in the case if you like Tex-Mex check out J D's fetch Max and he makes like a quote on quote beef quinoa and a the jackfruit supposed to be like a check
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Thank you for sharing this valuable information, Twenge. I will definitely check out JD's Vegmex. I love the idea. It flows off the tongue just nicely. In fact, I think I might have canned jackfruit that's intended to be used for meat in my cupboard. So, maybe I'll be throwing something together this weekend that fits the repertoire of JD's Vege Max.
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I want to include more organs in my diet because just fuck ton of like nutrients in them and they're great for you.
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Absolutely, I am a person that firmly believes in intuitive eating. While I do not practice this myself, like I used to, I need to get back on the track of doing so, intuitive eating is beneficial because your body is literally telling you what it needs. So if your body is telling you, Mr. Parsons, that you need to consume more organs, do so. Just be careful to not overdose on certain organs.
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Do you have access to a medical doctor and a registered dietitian? If so, I would encourage you to go see them. Let them know that you've been craving organ meat lately and you want to know specifically through blood tests what kind of nutrients and vitamins that your body may be lacking in that it needs more of. That way you can make sound decisions on what kind organ meat you need.
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I personally would like to see vast change in my current lifestyle diet. I have gotten into a bad habit of going for the easy foods because it is easy to do. It is easy to put together or it is easy to just order and deliver, right? Being a single mom, I have a lot on my plate and motivation to cook is hard to find these days. So I guess I'll comment on myself.
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Personally, I would like to see myself go to a more plant-based lifestyle. I used to be vegan, however my body did not accept it after a few years, and I learned more about my blood type. Now if there's any successful, oh positive blood type, vegans out there that have been vegan successfully for more than 10 years, I would really love to talk to you because I do miss being whole food plant based.
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Anyway, I would like to see myself consuming more whole food plant-based recipes in my diet. I really would like to also see myself cut back on energy drinks because I find that energy drinks give me that energy boost that I need versus coffee. I feel like coffee doesn't really do it for me. I want to consume more water in my day. Hell, I have a lot of changes to make in my diet in general.
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Despite knowing that energy drinks are in fact unhealthy for me to consume, I still find myself spending money and buying these energy drinks in order to function in my day to day life. I am open to suggestions if anybody has any effective healthy ways to maintain that energy throughout the day during a lifestyle of a single mom I'd be so open suggestions and greatly appreciate you for it.
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I want to get better at eating three meals a day. Lately I've only been eating twice, sometimes once a day and then I'm just snacking. So yeah, I want to get better at eating three actual big meals every day.
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Alicia Marie, I think that is valid for you. You don't want that for yourself. I wish you the best on your journey. If you can, I would recommend you speak to a registered dietitian that can navigate you to a better way of eating. But I know what that's like. I too am a snackster myself. And I tend to actually intuitively eat, which works a little bit better for my body. cheers to you. I wish you the best.
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I think if I wanna come to my day I think to improve it I probably need to eat more fruit otherwise it's not too bad I say probably include a bit more fruit and veg and I'm alright like I drink a lot of water and stuff so I can get the greens and then I think I'll be alright
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Thank you, Manny, for your comments. I really appreciate you for that. I do wonder about an update. It's been over 10 days since you made this comment on May 6th. Have you made any changes to your diet? How you explained here? How is it going for you? And if you'd like any recommendations please let me know. I'd be happy to help.
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Everything because everything needs to be changed
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I definitely identify with that as well. Cheers to you on your journey to making better conscientious choices when it comes to your overall diet, which I know you know this will ultimately improve your overall quality of life. If you'd like any recommendations, let me know. I do have some books in my library and some sources to recommend. to you.
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Three things were taken away at once the night that I went to mourn the loss of my you know ask my safety was taken away I didn't feel protected or safe in my own home which already terrible the ex-boyfriend is dead so I'm trying to figure out why who killed him I had a scary ass neighbor and on top of that arm my hormones I had to stop taking because all this chaos was going on in my mother was like stop taking the hormones so
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A bag that I love is covered in mold right now the severity of what people in the world have done is not hitting anyone and the intelligence community that thinks that this is some kind of joke if 90% of them were gone if it were only 10% I'd be OK all of the lessons that the world is trying to teach me they don't work because I'm not in the environment to learn anything this is like being taught something in jail
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There's literally mold all over the house it started even before like it when I was keeping the house clean there be black mold because of the way that this house works I'm telling you whoever thought of this concept they put me in a jail and then I think that the bottle of ibuprofen that I took the other day because I took about 100 of the pills it's finally working because I'm starting to feel pain inside I don't I want out
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