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So I've been seeing that apparently like this next season of Riverdale is like the last one and whatever and Personally like I can't actually believe that it's lasted this long first of all and secondly like I think like the sole reason it even got as big as it did at the beginning was because Cole Sprouse was in it and Like obviously then the whole thing with him and Lily Reinhardt happened and and then it stopped happening and whatever and like, like don't get me wrong, I'm a big Lily Reinhardt defender, but like I feel like the sole reason that show got big was because of him and then it like fell off after season one, like I'm actually shocked that it's like gone on this long. But what do you guys think? Do you guys think the show was good or do you guys agree that Couls Browse was literally the only reason it got famous in the first place.
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I honestly think he was a huge reason like it was such a hit and season one for sure he was a huge selling factor I think also just the fact that they were bringing like the comic books Archie comics for life with something that really entice people to but they really didn't take that route at all and I lost interest extremely after like a one or two season
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