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Healthy snack idea alert for the babies so my daughter is loving these dry fruit another mama had share this idea with me and I love it because they have Apple peaches you know they have all different few fruit flavors and yeah it's just a lot better than giving them other things And the consistency is like you know they kind of melts in their mouth so this is just definitely been a hit with her so yeah I just wanted to share it with you guys and let me know if you have also done this
My daughter was a fan of them for like I feel like the shortest amount of time is so weird I got her a pack of the dry bananas and the dried pears she calls bags I got taking her another break and she did not eat them
Yeah I'm really starting to realize that she'll like some thing one day and then the next day she might not like it I'm just so confused I'm trying to find out what her favorite foods are but I feel like I guess she's just in different moods and different days I'm just this is confusing