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Jake Boston 690d
Jake Boston
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ReissThomas Hadaway
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This actually makes me so mad. Like they say they don't have room for the character, but the CW show implemented Ezra in a way that they could easily done that in the Flash movie. So it's just like Grant's not getting the same respect as what the CW gave to Ezra. So I'm actually like so mad about this. Like no room for the character when there's two Batman's, two Ezra's flashes, and then a Supergirl. Like, how is there not room for a Grant Guston's flash? It would have made that movie like 20 times better if they were to just add a grant in this and I'm, I'm livid.
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Yeah I heard they were thinking about putting him in there and putting Linda Carter as wonder woman I mean I don't know of any other time we're gonna get another like time travel multi dimensional DC movie here I wish they would've went more balls the way I think the movie looks great right now but I just want like all of that nostalgic goodness as much as I can get in that movie
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Personally very sad about this, I don't know, Ezra Miller appeared in the show so it would have been nice to see him appear in a movie.
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