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Marcel Urena 366d
Marcel Urena
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John Sina
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All right, so as you guys know, there's gonna be another screen movie coming out real soon Now me personally I thought of one prior to this Was just too predictable man. I was just watching and I just knew what was gonna happen probably one of the Worst movies I've watched in the cinema in a very long time. I I just hope this one's better than the lost. But tell me, you guys actually gonna go send my watch this?
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That's a pretty wild tag screen screen sex is probably like the third best scream and the scream franchise and I can see how it could be a little bit predictable you can I mean I think it's probably a little more predictable in the ice cream movies but I was awesome in the gore and just like everything taking place in New York City it was just phenomenal
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I mean don't get me wrong, you know it was a good movie but it was way too predictable that when I'm watching a movie I want to be on the edge, I want to be wanting to know what's next I don't wanna know what's next. I want to know what's next.
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