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Angalina Alvarez
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Daniel 689d
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Oh no this is this is a hard ass choice man is a hard ass choice but I'm just gonna have to go with a gay son because like they both not gonna still be in my house but shit I just rather have a gay son
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See I'm a girl with a daughter because I'm just gonna get a bitch on birth control understand her shit out of condoms like she'll be done no matter what matters or just be safe but listen I mean they're both gonna get fucked a bunch bye guys so Oh no I was out I feel like I can handle a girl better than I can handle a guy myself personally but you
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It's not but I'll let it tattoo, but let me answer the question real quick. God darned her Or gay son I'm on both. I'm gonna live in a crazy household Like I wanted to see hella dudes and hella girls all Yeah
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Oh come on now man Oh man that had the most religious so that gay business can't run you get me for my door door oh fuck you're having a gay so fuck it as long as he's doing the bombing it's fine
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