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What is the best movie or TV video game adaptation? For me, this is a difficult question. There's most of these questions that I ask are so that's why I like to gather people's thoughts on them. But I would have to say I still I'm still yet to watch. Oh, like I'm yet to finish this season of TV, but the last of us is such a great adaptation of a game into a TV show. it's well made, it's one of the only one of these video game adaptations that are really well made and it feels like it has a lot of thought put into it whereas most of these are just money making machines like the Marry movie I did not enjoy as much as most people did, especially the Sonic movies, both of them poor and so by default I guess this becomes one of the better ones.
Am I think the best TV adaptation of video games probably the last of us they really not that out of the park personal preference movie video game adaptation I like detective Pikachu