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Natalia Lavaggi
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Bee 366d
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How important to you is your skincare routine? I think that the movement of self-love has put the skincare routine in the top of everything. And personally, it's one of my favorite moments of the day. So, let me know.
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My skin care routine is essential to me I've been in the beauty industry for years and my health coach and skin care for me later and I can't tell you how much having a regular skin care routine makes a huge difference not only in the look in the feel your skin but even for self-care and emotional well-being knowing that you're you know spending time taking care of the largest organ of your body it makes a big difference and just makes you feel great
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I have never like prioritized a skincare routine but now that I'm older like I'm in my late 30s I definitely am.
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Very important to do the same thing every day. I've had the same skin care routine since 2013 and it's paying off just tremendously
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