OK so when you're bored in the house and in the house bored who is your go to person to bug I love to bug my husband but he's busy at work so he doesn't always respond to my text messages so my second favorite person to bug is my best friend and she lives in Iowa which is like 6 1/2 almost 7 hours away depending on how many time do you stop and things like that but it sucks having a best friend who lives so far away because when you're bored at home like you don't have anything to do she she's probably bored at home as well I mean like we're both stay at home mom so I'm just saying it would be nice to be able to go and hang out with my best friend once in a while maybe smoke a blunt and just you know watch TV and sit around bored together instead of being bored at home alone that's it that's my Ted talk for today
Earliest I've been on the board I've been in the board house I've been in the house bored every day so yes I just want to chill with you like you said smoke a blunt just chill whatever Man this is rough to being so far away from you
My favorite person to bug is my mom. She's usually at work when I call her. But she always answers because she can like talk on the phone. But her and then my husband, I call him while I try and bug him, but he doesn't really answer the phone all the time because he's working. So yeah, we're on.
Right, I only call my husband if it's like an emergency, but I text him all day long, but he's super busy at work, so get impatient waiting for his text messages sometimes.
When I'm honestly bored I tend to FaceTime my little brother and we have a really good close relationship so yeah we spend a little bit of time on FaceTime which is always nice to call and catch up
That does suck to live so far away I go to person to bug is actually my I have a group chat with three other moms and that that would be my go to and we all live in the same town but the funny thing is like if I was bored at home they can just come over at the drop of a hat because it just seems like they have kids napping at different times or like different activities ETFE classes it just it's still hard to get together Truth be told
I totally get that my childhood best friend lives four hours away and I have new friends with y'all and y'all live so far away because I live in Florida now live out there and is this is difficult sometimes and then I want the best from here is our schedules are always busy and I get that