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Renee Shelkey 681d
Renee Shelkey
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Jena Schuerman
Breanna 681d
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Jena Schuerman
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The Deep Dive 681d
The Deep Dive
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What's your honest opinion about this recent trend of body positivity sort of thing on I personally think it's a good thing but when people push in a healthy lifestyle I don't agree
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I think body positivity should just mean that you are okay with your body and whatever shape or form it is. that you know we're all made perfect in God's eyes so be happy with what you got
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I definitely agree with you 100%.
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I think it's so complicated with people nowadays like body positivity like it's a virus is like you're positive with your body but there are going to be comments about Like people that are way too skinny like underweight or way too big like overweight and obviously those aren't good and so you really shouldn't be positive about your image because then people will reflect off of it when you're unhealthy as fuck so I don't think that's a good thing
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I don't think that's a good thing but I mean as long as you're not like it's not like they're promoting like some people don't like they don't promote like yeah I'm fat as fuck like you should be like me or yeah I'm like underweight as fuck like I love being skinny I could fit through the fucking door hinges but like no like don't be like they're not like that but like you know don't don't like I don't know I am
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I agree with the previous comment that body positivity should just be that you are comfortable and happy with your body and healthy because that's really what matters. Yes, your health does matter and so you should always take that into account and fill your body with healthy food, healthy nutrients and just be happy with yourself.
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Think it's good to have body positivity but I don't think you should encourage people to be unhealthy
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