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I wanna know which animal everyone thinks it's better dogs or cats I think dogs because I just think the QR like I think cats are cute but I think dogs just make their pets and like them or pay for and I if I had to choose to get a dog or a cat as a pet I would choose dog
I fuck with both of them I love both of them so much I've experienced both so I experience a really good loving dog really good loving cat I haven't I didn't grow up on the cats like people like then cats are like just fighting and scratching like my cats there love you and clingy and like fluffy and stuff and so I don't know like I can't live without but like I want to grow up in my house and be cats and dogs like
100% cats they just I think in terms of looks that much cuter in terms of like features and even log into the behaviour I feel I need talk to more playful but it can be annoying and I find it so disgusting that dogs lick your face I don't know soon as I know that happen cats don't do that so I prefer cats
I will have to go with dogs because I feel like to your dog do you like your everything you like this entire world where the car is like yeah you just are you just someone who provides an hour I don't know man I just a thought I thought I just wear my love before that cats can you bastards respectfully like I've been around seven I just wanna remove all like something Dubai Sonos and try scratching sound like no I'm good man I'll stick with dogs thank you
I would say dogs because my cat have milk at and like like he's cute and I and all the cats are cute probably more like killing dogs like it unlocked and you know but I was saying dogs they were play fool they can show you know what cats even though they chill and relax they just be talking you outta nowhere like for no reason like