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Alright I realise this question is located to a very niche audience and I'm not apply to run I wanted to ask I am any other guys like what's your favourite boxing film like there's so many to choose from it's like the Rocky franchise secretes a franchise raging ball and all the others based on an hour or is your favourite book some photos
I think one of the best boxing films is a movie called Cinderella Man. It was supposed to be taking place in like 1929 when the Great Depression hit and it's got Russell Crowe. He was like a boxer that, you know, got hurt. Then he goes back into like the arena. really good box of movie, a really good storyline. Highly suggest checking it out.
As a franchise as a hole has to be rocky because Rocky and its entirely was legendary and it gave birth to Creed so you gotta give Rocky his props you know I'm saying I respect both but like at the same time though gotta put some respect on Rocky to OG Siri and I'm saying
Yeah, I'm not a huge boxing movie person, but and then this doesn't really count because it's MMA, but Warrior is the best like fighting movie. Holy shit, that movie will get anybody pumped up. You'll walk out of there like wanting to take down the whole world. You know, great, great movie and Tom Hardy is a fucking beast. In terms of boxing and of itself, I really liked the Creed 3. I am not a huge fan of the Rocky movies. I like Creed.
As much as I love Creed and I love that technically Rocky, you know, he's in it and it's a Rocky movie. But I have got to say I stayed true to the Rocky movies. All of the Rocky movies are the greatest boxing movies ever. Of course Rocky, the first one.
Yeah I'm gonna go raging Bull to be honest yeah you're reading but there's something in this one comes up you know I'm gonna come back to this iPhone comes to my bum I'm thinking raging Bull to be honest also I like the first creed film a lot as well
You know what, bots who heard my thought was very very good. Southpaw with Jake...Gillianaw? Chin and all. Yeah he was really good. South Pole, that was sick.
Yeah I seen that film Analy Miguel is a bastard Callum what are you the boss of button was quite it's quite deep that is a slight stings a little like it's a it's a very good film that I enjoy it a lot