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Livia Milano 420d
Livia Milano
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GlobbiePippen 418d
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GlobbiePippen 418d
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Kevan Reece 416d
Kevan Reece
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Kevan Reece
Kevan Reece
Kevan Reece
Malori 416d
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Jania Torres 414d
Jania Torres
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Jania Torres
Jania Torres
DJones 412d
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Kyda 411d
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So yesterday I truly struggled with trying to find my son formula like I have work and I can get up to 10 cans I went to Walmart they didn't have his formula went to Publix they didn't have his formula and then finally when I went to Walgreens they had his formula but I'm just like this is insane like why is there still a formula shortage like what is happening and even though I have WIC why is formula so expensive like seriously why
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That is just so sad I'm so sorry I had to work to my kids are grown now but when I first saw this formula shortage I like had PTSD like I was so stressed for all the moms because I know you guys are gonna drive to like you just did 3 to 5 to 10 stores are and you're gonna do whatever you have to do but that's why they do that shit they make it expensive cause you have to get it it's like the tampon tax they make that
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Wig should have a store in your city that has all the formula. They have one in Los Angeles and I have to get our formula there because Walmart, Target and everywhere else put to the limit on how much formula you can buy because of the shortage.
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But definitely call your WIC lady or just look online right now there's a store in every city that Hass to be but they have all the formula and you won't have to worry about it
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Yeah I'm definitely gonna have to look into that because I'm going to multiple stores in one day is ridiculous
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I'm not gonna flex the formula short of shit is kind of wild right now however it also lets me know that we shouldn't be relying on any type of government anything or any type of big business at all and truly I wonder if you could just make your own formal if that's even a possibility there has to be a natural way to make formula but either way I feel it I understand and it sucks ass right now
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Honestly like 100% agree with you but I'm curious if there is a way to make formula on your own But I don't think I would try it because I think if I googled it and found like some type of recipe like how to make formula on your own I don't think I would give it to my son because I don't know if it's legit for me
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All I want to know is what did we do before formula and there was kids that didn't breast-feed that's really what I want to know for real cause a sexual interesting topic now in regards to formula
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Honestly they probably use animals like our ancestors you know they had none none of the stuff so they definitely was doing natural shit
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Yeah I'm really interested to know what it was doing for real do you know child wasn't breast-feeding dinner damn that is true the animals like what did they do Wayback in the day that's crazy
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Back then, if you could not breastfeed your own child, then other women in your family would or other women in the village would do it. And if that didn't work out, then your child would die. I mean, there weren't really other options. You can look up the highest quality formula recipes today and you can see that something like that just was not accessible to your child would just die.
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There is a very small handful of safe formula recipes and they are extremely expensive to make. So frankly, if the mass produced formula, which is the cheapest thing out there, if you're struggling to buy that, then making your own formula, one that's safe, one that will not ultimately send your kid to the hospital for nutritional deficiencies, it's just not an option for you. There is a reason why these kids used to just die. her own formula is a wealthy endeavor.
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Thank you for the quick history lesson and education you know I am mad silly Bahamas like OK they'll probably just use milk and oatmeal her you know rice Do I legitimately was like how the heck did emails holiday come over this the day use that grinder you but you know I mean with a bow machine down martyr with the martyrs and stuff but yeah and I appreciate that cause I really didn't know for real don't even think about that
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I honestly didn't even know that there still was a formula shortage going on I breast-feed so I was unaware but it just makes me so so sad I have donated milk to so many moms Because of the formula shortage and it makes me so sad that moms have to go to that to be their kids
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So it's funny because I had breast-fed I was breast-feeding my son for a while and I didn't want to stop because I knew the formula shortage was still going on and I just wanted to keep giving him breastmilk but it got really hard for me between like going back to a full-time working mom and pumping at work it was just a lot mentally and it's just draining so I stopped breast-feeding and went to formula but now I have to do
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What, um, what are you using for him?
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The Enfamil Nuro pro it's the yellow can but yeah that's the only one I use for him
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Well if you ever feel comfortable I honestly have like 10 cans that I don't use so I live in LA but I can always mail them out and I wouldn't charge you anything I'll just maybe just the shipping but I do have some just sitting there
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I think that obviously they're not expired but I was trying to switch my son to formula and he never took it but him Yeah let me know I think I have it I have like the 20 ounce container the one that they sell at target and then I have the bagged ones that you just put in your own container if you have it
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My question is did you go to the Walmart over there in the Koi in the hood you know we seen a lot of kids over there there
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And you want to know what's crazy so I watched salty Stella on Tiktok and she finds formula that has just been thrown out in the downstairs has not been recalled It's not expired and it's just in the dumpsters Yeah, like it's ridiculous.
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