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I am getting the inkling again to just purge. Like when I say purge, I'm just like get rid of a whole bunch of things like clothes, knickknacks, books. Sometimes I don't know about you guys, I get into these moments where I'm just like fuck attachment to everything! Get rid of it all! And then by the end of this I'm like damn. I got rid of a lot of stuff. I wish I had that. For example, it was in my memory box because I have a little small shoe box that's a memory box for my whole life and I was going through it and I did get rid of a lot of stuff from there. There was one thing though I wish I didn't get away and it was like, think for my seventh birthday. I got a chance to swim with dolphins but I was so scared. Because the motherfuckers see that. I'm just scared. So I was crying, but you couldn't see me thought I was crying because I was swimming. But your girl was definitely crying on the low. And yeah, then we took a picture and yeah, tears and all, but with a smile, you know, because I'm a good sport, with a dolphin. I threw that away and I wish I kept it. Anyhow, do you guys get into like cleaning and purging, detoxing, getting rid of spirts? When was your last one? And have you ever regretted getting rid of anything? drop it down below.
I love purging. I think I probably purge once a month or every three weeks. I mean, for me, you're not going to take it when you die, right? So it's also important to have a good flow, things that weigh you down aren't exactly good funk sway for your home.