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Ray marvel fans who do you think would really come out on top between venom and carnage I'm gonna give the carnage carnage's fucking crazy man does the I just I feel like he's gonna wanna Moore's gonna get a more is going to get after so what do you think convince me I'm wrong tell me why venom would be Carnage
Venom! I honestly, Carnage, probably right. When I was a kid, like, fingering through comics and stuff, like, he was always the one that seemed absolutely insane. And the design was absolutely always just crazy. You were like, this guy's gonna kill everybody. But I'm partial to Venom, just because I've always liked Venom. I've always kind of like the stupid sense of humor. And just all the videos I've made with Venom, so. I love that stuff, but...
I feel like Carnage is going to win too, honestly. I know Carnage is like the better version of Venom or something like that. I can't remember, but I really think Carnage is a really cool character and I know he's super strong.
I would say carnage I like venom don't get me wrong but I would say carnage because the person who the venom symbiont belongs to is what holds venom back from being is as vicious as they can be the person that the carnage Zimbio is attached to there not a sane person there just tell kill whoever they want to use of carnage and that person or a perfect match in that sense