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Part two, self-esteem versus self-value and self-worth. Going back to the tree, with self-esteem being the trunk and the branches, and self-worth and self-value being the roots of the tree, imagine a tree with no roots, Just growing, growing, growing, reaching out, reaching out, reaching out, but everything is extrinsic. There isn't anything anchoring it. So imagine that being applied to our own lives. If our sense of value is solely motivated on extrinsic things, Look at how much control we are giving away to our being, to our worth. There is no intrinsic worth that we feel for ourselves. So we're always chasing, always trying to achieve, always trying to get, but nothing is enough because that void, those roots are not established. It all starts within at the roots. When it comes to children and how we teach this and making sure that they build very, very healthy self-worth, self-value, and healthy self-esteem is ensuring that even And during their failures, they aren't a failure. And also not telling them that they are good or they are bad, but when they do a certain behavior or activity, that action is good or bad. I hate using that by the way.
One thing I know about this app is that I don't need to be on this app that much so that's one. And one thing I know about this app is your fucking adult bitch so what the fuck does that sound for a bitch make me a sense