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So these are one of my worst tunes ever but inspired by the movie her it's called virtual girlfriend in fact it wasn't just her it was also that Rick and Morty episode or Morty does the thing with the robot that I'm not gonna get into right now but I can have you ever written a song that is inspired by movie it may be the execution isn't so great Still makes me laugh Yes Virtual girlfriend I had to stop there I'm cracking up but oh yeah at least you're opinion
Yeah I am I know I just sneeze I am just an ukulele on that one it has a fax on it but fun site fun site indeed Ukulele is one of the many inches is a blade
This is giving me Bob Dylan vibes. But also... like creepy you vibes. Not you, but you. The TV show. You know what I'm talking about? Guys are creepy. But you know what? Virtual girlfriends sometimes are better than real girlfriends. They're always there for you. They know everything about you.